WELL! I guess I'll give an update to my non-existant fanbase about my escapades in animation.
Currently I am undertaking 3 projects:
JewWario Tribute - 25% done
Levi's Cardigan Softspot - Still being storyboarded
Ka Klax Klub - 1% done
I feel like some explanation is necessary on these projects. The JewWario Tribute is for the wife of the recently dececed YouTuber, JewWario. It is going to be a part of a collab that is still available for entry if you're interested.
Levi's Cardigan Softspot is a cartoon that will be about a boy who is bullied by everyone around him, then he gets a dog of questionable health. Hilarity ensues.
Ka Klax Klub. Oh God. This cartoon is parodying the Ku Klux Klan and making all their work seem humorous and laughable. It revolves around three main characters; Lyle (the leader of the three), Kyle (a follower), and Karl (the idiotic one). Controversial topics. Great way to garner some notoriety. Ahhhhh, America.
(For those that may view Ka Klax Klub as a "racist" cartoon, I assure you that anything offensive is done in jest and is not meant to offend any groups of people. It is only meant to deliver some edgy humor to an audience that craves it.)
Have a great day,